You have a brand, and you are starting to write the content for your website. Now it’s time to describe your amazing products to make your clients understand all their qualities and characteristics, but you don’t know where to start.

Follow these tips to seduce your potential clients and make them want to buy your products.

Mind the length

Everybody knows that by now, people on the Internet don’t read much and get bored fast. Keep your product description simple and clear, and avoid too lengthy sentences and excessive use of adjectives. Opt for a short descriptive text followed by a list of the features, better if bulleted.

The language

Be sure the language is in line with the target jargon, if you are writing something that aims at a broad audience, use simple and clear language to make every customer feel included. You should already know who your target audience is, now it’s time to find out how they speak, which words they use, and which tone of voice they can relate to.

Benefits vs Characteristics

Another thing you want to do is focus on the benefits rather than the mere characteristics. Sure, the technical part is also important, but try to describe your product’s qualities before talking technical.

Engage the client

Don’t stick to a mere description of the product, try to engage the client even when the content is more technical. You should aim to reach your customers’ hearts by describing how your product will make them feel, rather than listing just the features.

Think of globalization

This last one is the most important if you think of expanding your business overseas, even if it’s not in the cards at this exact moment. Write the content in a way that can be easily globalized: when you are ready to expand your business abroad and start translating your content, you will be glad you avoided too many puns or cultural references that can’t be understood outside your country.

When you have your content ready, and you are all set to take your business abroad, get in touch to know more about the best strategy to win the Italian market 😉